Gorman, Avraham-Yitzhak

Gorman, Avraham-Yitzhak

Son of Ganendel and Netanel was born on May 15, 1924 in the city of Poltosk, Poland, and attended an elementary school in his city. With the German occupation in 1939, the Germans murdered his father and then wandered through the forests with the rest of the family. He took part in partisan activities, passed through the forests to Bialystok, which was in the hands of the Russians, and from there to Warsaw in Belo-Russia. The money that he earned (as a photographer and more) to consume the family. In 1941 they were sent to a kolkhoz near Franja in Uzbekistan, where the mother died. Avraham and his brothers went to Poland with false papers. He entered the “Gordonia” kibbutz. Refused to obtain an entry permit to the United States and immigrated to Israel in 1946 on the ship “Wedwood”. The ship was caught and he was arrested at Atlit. When he was liberated he joined the “Ha – Ma’apil” kibbutz. Six months later he moved to Kiryat Motzkin and worked in construction. Avraham was a member of the Haganah and at the outbreak of the War of Independence accompanied convoys to Shavei Zion. While on vacation he volunteered to fight the enemy from Kiryat Bialik and Motzkin. In this action he was wounded and taken to hospital. Two days later, on 8 March 1948, he died of his wounds and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa.

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