Goren (Heuberger), Zvi

Goren (Heuberger), Zvi

Zvi, son of Etka and Benjamin, was born on 25.1.1946 in Netanya. He attended the “Itamar” elementary school and later graduated from the Tchernichovsky High School in Netanya. Zvi was an intelligent and alert student, and diligent, loved by his teachers and friends. He was very active in the school and stood out for his leadership. He was also a sports fan and excelled in various sports. He was a member of the “Hanoar Haoved” youth movement and also worked for the Gadna Air Force, where he was a teacher and a graduate of the Diaia course, and was a good-hearted man who was always willing to help others. befor he was drafted he took tests for a pilot course but postponed for medical reasons. Zvi was drafted into the IDF at the end of August 1964 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he completed his training in tank commanders and was appointed commander of the Centurion tank, took part in an officer’s course and a third course, and was appointed a third sergeant. The Six-Day War broke out after he was discharged from the army and was called up for reserve duty, where he was appointed to the Intelligence Corps and later became an Intelligence Officer in the Armored Corps, after which he studied international relations and Middle Eastern studies at the Hebrew University He also taught immigrant students, along with his studies He was active in the Student Union and traveled to Japan on his mission and began working as part of the Young Labor Party’s Young Guard and was appointed Deputy Head of the Party’s Foreign Relations Department, a position he fulfilled with responsibility and devotion, and was able to develop close ties with many young activists in socialist movements in the free world. The party abroad, shortly before the Yom Kippur War broke out, and when the war broke out, Zvi did not wait for a summons, and without even saying goodbuy to his parents, he arrived first in his unit on the morning of Yom Kippur, the next day, on October 7, 1973, His tank was hit in a battle against Egyptian commandos between Beluzah and Rumania, and Zvi was killed. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Netanya. He was survived by a father, mother and brother. After his fall he was promoted to captain. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Tzvi was an excellent and courageous officer, who stuck to every task he was assigned, performed his duties impeccably and even more than he was required. The Dean of Students and the Student Union of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with the help of the young guard of the Labor Party, established a fund in the name of Zvi, to help volunteer projects within the company and to grant scholarships to students who deal specifically with these issues.

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