Gordon, Ze’ev

Gordon, Ze’ev

Son of David, was born on the 9th of Tammuz, June 27, 1947 in Jerusalem. He studied at the “Kol Israel Haverim” elementary school for boys, and at the ORT high school. He belonged to various sports organizations, and was considered a guide for young youth. As a high school student, he liked to participate in Gadna’s travels. During his free time, he read books of various literary works. Among other things, he liked to help with public work. He was very devoted to his parents and family, and was always at their service. He radiated his surroundings with his love. He was also very honest. He was drafted into the IDF in August 1967, and his commanders testify that he obeyed every command, and filled it with precision and devotion to the task. He was able to examine the depth of the meaning of responsibility, and strove to uphold it in every way. On the 26th of Kislev, December 17, 1968, when he was in compulsory service, he fell in the line of duty and, as a result, prevented a great disaster and saved his comrades who were with him. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. The commander of his unit sent a letter of condolence to his family, including the following: “I met Ze’ev when he arrived at my unit, and immediately discovered his qualities as a social man willing to help society, and willing to invest his energy in promoting the roles that was imposed upon him. You lost a precious son, we lost a friend and a courageous warrior. ” After he fell, a charity fund was established in his name, by the Histadrut HaPoel Hamizrahi, and the Jerusalem Council. This fund is intended to grant interest-free loans, preference to veterans of the army.

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