Gorali, Michael (“Misha”)

Gorali, Michael (“Misha”)

Son of Esther and Meir. He was born in 1918 in Russia and in 1935 immigrated with his parents, sister and brother to Eretz Israel. The family settled in Tel Aviv, and Michael and his mother worked in the laundry. A year later he married and had two daughters. When World War II broke out, he joined the British army and his mother, who opposed it, said, “If we do not volunteer, the Germans will come and slaughter us in our home.” Michael was stationed at Company 602 of the cavalry corps and served in Egypt and the Western Desert – in Marsa Matruh, Sulom and Tobruk. In March 1941, he was sent to Greece with the force intended to stop the German invasion of this country. After about a month, the British defense system broke down and the force withdrew. During the retreat, on April 24, 1941, he fell in combat and was declared missing. He left a wife and two daughters, parents, a brother and two sisters. His name was immortalized in a monument to those who died in World War II at the Palron military cemetery in Athens, Greece. An investigation conducted in 2017 found that his place of residence in ATHENS MEMORIAL, Athens, Greece. Grave Location. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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