Good, David

Good, David

Son of Yechiel and Simchah. He was born on 12.7.1950 in Pardes Katz and studied at the elementary school in Kiryat Ono and at the Sharon High School in Herzliya. David was drafted into the IDF in May 1968 and assigned to the Armored Corps, where he was honest and kind, gave love and friendship to others and was always ready to come to the aid of all the needy. . He excelled courageously and spiritually and even during the most difficult times he would have done his duty to his Creator faithfully and with great care and meticulousness in the mitzvot with great rigor. He did all the work of his commanders and was an excellent tank gunner, often thwarting the schemes of Syrian soldiers and terrorists, and David did not complain about the heavy workload and heavy responsibility imposed upon him like his other comrades, And in most of his initiative he found ways to improve and improve the conditions of life in the army for his friends, and even in his life David symbolized the words of Tehillim 15: 2-3: “He walks uprightly and works righteously, and speaks truth in his Lev. On the 25th of June, 1970, a shell hit the Golan Heights. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul

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