Golman, Ricardo-Daniel

Golman, Ricardo-Daniel

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on June 28, 1956. Ricardo completed his elementary and high school studies in his native country, where he continued to study economics at the University of Buenos Aires, where he spent a year working And in 1978 immigrated to Israel with him, settled in Kibbutz Megiddo in the Jezreel Valley, where his eldest daughter, Sharali, was born, and the family moved to Nes Ziona, where his second daughter was born, and worked in the Tnuva branch in Rehovot. He was also active in the organization of Latin American immigrants in the Rehovot area and was a member of the organization’s management Military service, he had been trained and served with the reserve corps-engineering. His commanders noted him: “A quiet man, a good friend, volunteered for every mission and fulfilled his duty with dedication and responsibility.” In March 1984, Ricardo was drafted into reserve duty in Lebanon. On March 19, 1984, while driving in a jeep on a coastal road in Lebanon, near the Litani river, he was hit by a landmine that exploded near his car. Ricardo-Daniel was killed in the explosion. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Nes Ziona cemetery. He left behind a wife, two daughters and parents. He was 28 years old when he fell. Defense Minister Moshe Arens wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Private Golman Ricardo gave his life for his homeland, and it fell when a roadside bomb was used against an IDF patrol. He served in the engineering corps, was an excellent soldier, was a loyal friend and a devoted family man. “His commanding officer wrote to his family:” Ricardo and his friends acted with infinite devotion, understanding the importance of their work and their urgency. “His family commemorated him planting a forest in the forest

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