Goldstein, Yosef

Goldstein, Yosef

Son of Rachel and Shlomo. Was born on January 1, 1941, in the city of Yass, Romania, and immigrated with his family in 1951. He began his elementary studies in Romania and graduated from the Or Akiva elementary school, and at a very young age Joseph was orphaned from his father, His mother’s sister in Or Akiva, and his main hobby was reading books, and after leaving elementary school he traveled with his mother to Venezuela, where his sister, who was married in the meantime, lived. A few years before his enlistment, Yosef decided to return to Israel and felt that his real home was in Israel and that he should contribute to the country as he could. Dudu, first in Or Akiva and then in Moshav Neve Yerek, and in February 1959 he was drafted into the IDF and assigned to the Armored Corps. Here he passed a track as a fighter and was trained as a gunner. After his discharge from military service, Yosef was called for reserve duty. He lived in Kfar Sava and worked as a plumber. Over the years his mother died and Joseph, who was a bachelor, maintained close contact with his uncle Yosef Fisher, who raised and educated pain. On June 9, 1985, during an active reserve service in Nitzanim, Yosef fell during his service and was brought to rest in the Kfar Saba military cemetery. He left behind a sister – Miriam

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