Goldstein, Eli
Ben Ziva and Yosef. He was born on the 18th of Adar 5733 (18.3.1973) at the Tzahalon Hospital in Jaffa. Eli grew up in Holon, completed his basic education at the Moshe Sharett School and continued his high school studies at the Air Force’s Holtz School. During his free time he volunteered for the Civil Guard. In mid-September 1991, Eli was drafted into the IDF and assigned to the Ordnance Corps in Zrifin, where he had many hobbies, among them reading and photography, but most of all his love for motorcycles was the result of his death in a motorcycle accident on August 30, 1993), who was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Rehovot and left behind his parents and two sisters – Vardit and Miri … In a letter of consolation to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “… Eli served in a unit in the equipment center for the spare parts, . His work was performed with great motivation, in a remarkable manner. “His family describes him:” Eli was a very special person, with an unlimited joy of life and a heart of gold. Always willing to help and sacrifice on his own behalf for his family and friends. There are not enough words to describe the constant pain and longing that accompanies us every moment of his death and those who did not know will not understand the magnitude of the loss. “