Goldenberg, Yitzhak (“Itzik”)

Goldenberg, Yitzhak (“Itzik”)

Son of Leo and Esther. He was born on March 21, 1950, in Jerusalem, where he studied at the Agron elementary school and after graduating from high school he studied at the “Carmia” Gymnasium. One of the founders of the Jubilee tribe in Kiryat Hayovel, whose parents were among its first settlers, despite his youth, he became the head of the tribe and was a good athlete in both elementary and high school, but never belonged to sports organizations. His leisure was devoted to educational work in the Scouts movement, especially when he was the head and center of the tribe He was a collaborator with them in painting, cleaning and cleaning the shack, preparing “kumzitzim” and doing everything outside the hut. He was willing to devote himself entirely as a center of service to all, such as AKIM, ILAN and the blind, hospitals, helping the children of the poor and the victims of noise in Turkey, and together with the members of the tribe he participated in these factories with all his soul and soul. That this or that act has something educational or moral or the characteristics of the “observer,” but as one of the striking group And fulfills himself in advance of what he sought to educate the members of the tribe. All this he would do with a playful look and a cheerful smile. He waited impatiently for the day of his induction; At first he wanted to be in a naval commando or to serve in a submarine and after his discharge from the army he aspired to study law. The naval commando was not attached to the crew of the submarine, but rather to the paratroopers. This was a natural continuation of his education in motion and in accordance with his energetic and willing character. But on the 2nd of Iyar 5729 (20.4.1969) he fell in the Jordan Valley near Umm Tzutz in an encounter with the enemy’s saboteurs and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, in a letter to the parents of Yitzhak, Appears in my memory in his quiet form when the smile does not leave his face even during the difficult hours that have passed. He was a loyal friend of those around him, and to us commanders, he was a disciplined soldier with a will and an ability that we would like the rest of our soldiers to be blessed with these qualities … Your consolation and pride will be for the son who fell on the altar of the defense of the homeland and the people. 28.5.1970), a ceremony was held for the inauguration of a study room and a library in his name and in his memory in the “Scouts” hut in Kiryat Hayovel near the Agron school.

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