Goldberg, Yosef (“Yoske”)

Goldberg, Yosef (“Yoske”)

Customs and Shoshana. He was born on April 1, 1939 in Tel Aviv. He completed his elementary studies at the “B” school and later at the Max Payne vocational school specializing in mechanics. When he completed his studies where he worked as a mechanical shutter. In 1956, he joined the ranks of Gadnaim and enlisted in active duty in the Navy in 1957. He worked on mechanical land handling and repair of underwater weapons, and in the last position he was on the destroyer “Eilat”, where he served for about four years He had been so devoted to his job that he had been so devoted to his job that last Friday he had parted from his family to return to the ship with his hand bandaged and suffering from pain, asking for sick leave. He was as brave as he was, and just as he did not mention the night operation when he escaped from a whirlpool he asked He died along with his fellow crew members with the drowning of the destroyer “Eilat” by Egyptian missiles on the 18th of Tishrei 5724 (21.10.1967) in front of a Romanian beach in northern Sinai, a wife and two children and the other a baby of several months were brought to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya The Navy commander wrote in a letter of condolence to his parents that “Yosef never abandoned his torpedo, His pride. He personally took care of them day and night and often gave up hours of rest and the possibility of getting home, to be 100 percent certain that his trappings would not fail when needed in a battle. Human language is too weak to express our feelings about the loss of precious life. “In the booklet” The eternal glory of the sons of Netanya who fell on their guard, “a list was presented about it in the Book of the Fallen. “Goily Ash,” the school bag of the sons of the fallen soldiers of Israel, was brought from his estate.

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