Goldberg, Jacob-Reuven (Yaki)

Goldberg, Jacob-Reuven (Yaki)

Jacob, son of Yocheved and Yigal, was born on April 28, 1953, in Haifa. He studied at the Arlozorov Elementary School in Kiryat Haim and then continued his studies at the Kiryat Haim High School and Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan. Jacob, who was known among his associates as Yaki, was a handsome black-haired boy. He was alert, energetic, and very verbose. But he was modest in his ways and always surrounded by a pleasant atmosphere. He was sensitive to integrity and justice and the equality in the relations between people was important to him. He was always willing to lend a helping hand to the needy and the weak.
Yaakov was drafted into the IDF in mid-May 1971 and volunteered for the paratroopers after completing basic training and a paratroopers course, after which he was sent to train new recruits to the parachute units in the corps’s training base. Yaki did not hide his pride of being part of an elite unit of the paratroopers, and when the Yom Kippur War broke out, he was sent to the southern front with his comrades to participate in the bravery battles against the Egyptian army that crossed the border. The Suez Canal On October 11, 1973, The unit encountered Egyptian commando forces and developed a fierce and difficult battle. Yaki was injured in this battle and killed. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. Survived by his parents, brother, and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the Minister of Defense wrote: “Yaakov served in the infantry. He was a good soldier and a model friend. Yaakov was loved by everyone he knew

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