Golan (Zevuloni) and Roni

Golan (Zevuloni) and Roni

Son of Sarah and Derechchi was born on May 15, 1963 in Jerusalem. Roni attended the “Carmeli” elementary school in the “Ort” school. He studied the electrical profession. During his studies, Roni was active in the framework of the youth center in the German Colony in Jerusalem. He was active in sports, walks and social activities. In May 1981, Roni was drafted into the IDF and served as a driver of a light vehicle in the center of the country, and during the Peace for Galilee War he underwent a serious mental crisis after his best friend from school and youth fell in battle. By fire and water, we had a Yaffa childhood, with experiences, especially on walks. We always managed to get out of crises and go through nice and difficult experiences together. The youth house was our second home … We joined that day … You were a symbol and pride. It is difficult to live without you. “On his request, Roni went to serve in the Eilat area, on the night of the 27th of Elul 5742 (14.9.1982), he was assigned to drive soldiers from his camp to Eilat, the road was narrow and dark, and Roni veered off the road. And Roni was killed in an accident. “The commander of his unit wrote to his parents:” Ronny fell in the line of duty when he was driving soldiers near his unit’s camp. He was a quiet soldier, very devoted to his work and accepted by his comrades in the unit. His qualities and character impressed us. “Roni was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, leaving behind his parents, two brothers and a sister

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