Golan, Yaniv

Golan, Yaniv

Ben Hanna and Yehuda. He was born in the village of Yavne’el in the village of Yavne’el, where he graduated from elementary school, and was a naughty boy at the school. When he moved to Kadouri, he was a handsome young man who attracted the attention of the girls and even the teachers Yaniv did not invest much in his studies, he was a stormy, restless boy who loved to ride on horses or on ATVs, And spent weekends with his friends in the discotheques until the small hours of the night. When he reached the army, Yaniv decided to join the Border Police. He joined the army at the end of November 1994 and began his service at the Beit Horon camp. After moving from base to base, he came to serve in the Jordanian sector, where he felt at home. Yaniv was known for his restlessness, but also for his willingness to help anyone who reached out, so he was loved by everyone. In a car accident that took place on January 8, 1996, Yaniv fell during his service. He was twenty years old when he fell. His friend, Sergeant Sagi Cohen, was killed along with him. Yaniv was brought to eternal rest in the military section of the cemetery in Yavne’el. Survived by his parents and four brothers and sisters – Shosh, Alon, Hagai and Ilanit. Yaniv’s family commemorated his memory in a booklet, in which fragments of poetry and letters written by his friends and family were collected. The unit where he served Yaniv organized football games in his memory. From a song written in his memory: “It is hard to part from you / And it is even harder to see you no more / We shall remember only the graceful, tender and loving / That will remain forever engraved.

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