Golan, Shaul (Bruce)

Golan, Shaul (Bruce)

Son of Sarah and Menashe, was born on the 8th of Cheshvan 5758 (8.11.1957) in the city of Shiraz in Persia. Shaul was 6 years old when he immigrated with his parents to Israel in 1963. The family settled in Ness Ziona. Shaul studied at the Chabad School and then moved to the vocational school at Kibbutz Netzer Sireni and studied mechanical frameworks for four years, Shaul was interested in sports and joined Maccabi son of-Zvi for five years. In this group. In August 1975, Shaul was recruited and assigned as a tank driver in the Armored Corps. He was promoted to the rank of sergeant and completed his regular service in 1978. After his discharge, he returned to work for a period of two years, He worked in a confection shop and studied the subject, and when the Peace for Galilee War broke out, Shaul and his soldiers were drafted with his tank crew in the eastern sector on June 10, 1982), he fell in combat: “He fought with his crew in the Syrian tanks. His tank hit a Syrian tank and destroyed it. Then his tank was hit and Shaul was killed. From the beginning of his service in the company he stood out in his willingness to carry out any mission, without any complaints or complaints. He was excellent as a disciplined, quiet and humble staff member, ready to help in any situation. “Shaul was 25 years old when he fell in. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nes Tziona, in the burial plot of fallen IDF soldiers. He left behind his parents, brother and two sisters. The soccer team in which she played played her name, and she is called “Shaul son of-Zvi”.

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