Golan, Guy

Golan, Guy

Son of Tikva and Yoram. Born on the 17th of Adar 5736 (17.3.1976) in Tel Aviv. The eldest son of his parents, born to them as a gift just on the anniversary of their marriage. When he was four, his brother Aviad was born, and a few years later his sister, Sara, joined him. “Guy was a disciplined and obedient child,” his mother says. “Even when he grew up, he was so clean and neat, he was so thin that all his clothes fell off and he needed Shlikes to tie his pants, and all the years at all the parents’ meetings at school, You have a good boy. ‘” Little Guy liked to play puzzles and play thought games. Guy studied at the Moshe Sharett Elementary School in Tel Aviv, a good student with high verbal ability. “At the beginning of the year, my uncle and I worked very slowly in the classroom, but during the year we became more agile and we had a great deal in the classroom … We invented games, planned them, and then we did the game according to the instructions And we played. ” When he finished sixth grade, he moved with his family to Kibbutz Hatzor and began studying at the Tzafit Regional High School in Kibbutz Kfar Menachem, where he completed 12th grade in the technological track. Of the Golan family, says: “They would come on Friday, like they come to the grandparents, and spend the night with us. We were very impressed by the children’s education, which took on a warm family atmosphere … Guy immediately got absorbed, and everyone wanted to be with him, and everyone played and talked to him. What stood out for him was the openness and warm attitude toward people. He immediately surrounded himself with all the children. He was the nail of the group. That’s why he had so many friends. “Guy was very quick to be one of the guys, so that not long after his arrival, a friend asked him what kind of children’s home he was in, and he had to remind her that he did not grow up on the kibbutz … Shahar, a friend of Guy, from the day he arrived at the kibbutz, says: “Guy was in a good mood most of the time. He was always having fun with him, even if it was just a matter of moving television stations. .. Guy always treated everyone well, said hello, made people feel good… Guy took things easy, he was not stressed. These things were natural to him. Guy was active in sports and at the age of eight he excelled in tennis, and in high school he played volleyball, and he was always physically fit, but very thin. In April 1995, he enlisted in the IDF and began his career as a combat soldier in the naval commando unit. From the beginning of his training, he had excelled in his physical fitness and willingness to help. The guys said that when they went on a eighty-mile journey, Guy actually went twice as far – headed, and all the time he ran back to encourage and push the latter and went back, saying, “The ambition was always to bypass Guy on the journey. If I could get around him, I must have improved. He was always the first … he had a good head and physical ability, so he led … Later on there were some highly motivated officers who managed to get around him, but it was hard for them too. They saw it as a challenge … “In the army, too, Guy stood out for his constant calm and inner integrity, which led him to admit mistakes, even if he did not cause any harm.In October 1996 Guy completed the course and at a ceremony attended by proud family members, The bat, his commander, Colonel Eli, number”The Machuist david does not stand the test of the difficult course, it usually falls out in the early stages, and the course concludes with those who believe that Zionism is without quotation marks, those who believe that it is possible to give everything, the soul, the heart and a little more In order to carry out the mission, the mission that the State of Israel imposed on us to preserve its security … Guy and his colleagues loaded the entire weight of the mission and paid the heaviest price in their lives. Moving on a path between funny and nonexistent.I asked Guy’s direct commander to rate his qualities I can not say whether he was more professional or devoted, I can not say whether he was more beloved or admired, I can not, everyone was willing to go with Guy everywhere, there was such a rare combination of joy of life And faith, friendship and striving for excellence. ” Every time he arrived at home, or at his parents’ home in Hadera, Guy made sure to switch to civilian clothes immediately and never shivered as a naval commando, and certainly did not mention anything about his service. On the night of 3 July 1997, Guy was killed in a battle in Lebanon, and when he went out with the naval commandos for an operation, the force encountered a terrorist ambush, and a number of explosive devices detonated near the force led to the fall of Guy and other fighters. The battle and the rescue efforts lasted for many hours, with the discovery of eleven soldiers: Lt. Col. Yossi Korkin, Major Dr. Tzachi Bentov, Captain Dagesh Maher, Captain Zvi Grossman, Captain Ram Levinas, Sergeant Major Aryeh Abramzon, Major General Yochanan Hilberg, Major General Raz Tabi, Staff Sergeant Gal Rudovsky and Staff Sergeant Yaniv Shmiel. Itamar Ilya, a force fighter, was declared missing that night and was buried in Israel in June 1998. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Kibbutz Hatzor cemetery, leaving behind his parents, brother and sister. His sister, Lihi, was born, and his father, Yoram, eulogized him: “You were a son whose mother, brother, sister and I were proud to be your family. And not only do we, who are closest to you, but also the whole family that is closer and closer to us, feels proud that there is a Guy in their family. In this family, I include the Naval Commandos, which only in the last few days we have discovered how close you were to it, how much you loved your unit, and how proud you were of serving in the Naval Commando … We will continue to be strong here for you and your sister. The family edited and published the book “Touch of an Angel and His Smile,” in which Guy is told by family and friends with words and with many pictures: “Guy could have been at sea at the same time Of places, and not to burden anyone. He would pass by, followed by a swarm of bees, floating good words and quiet smiles. … Sometimes his stature seemed a little wet from the good-heartedness that burst from his body, like soft, caressing waves. Amit: “There is a sentence that characterizes Guy: Be like the flowers, who spread tenderness and beauty without asking for anything.” Ziva: “My Guy taught me to find the North and South Star … My guy is a guy who promised a kiss on the cheek and stole a kiss on my lips … My guy is one big smile, charming. “Tamar:” We all remember his hands … He taught us to hug, kiss, for no particular reason. “Dekel:” I do not remember Guy indignant about anything. sonA man with a lot of inner joy, inner strength, strength and wisdom of life … He had a kind of internal engine that produces warmth and good things. “Menahem: Guy Litf was a warm man. Everyone who touched him felt something. “Idan:” Shahar and I called Gai Pooh the bear. In ‘The Tao of Poo’ we are talking about the fact that Poe is actually a Taoist type: no matter what he does, what has to happen to him – will happen. Guy was like that. He would not see anything and he ran, he was in his ease, and the action came anyway. When he needed to – he acted, and when he did not have to – he could be Winnie the Pooh. “Mor Peleg:” The second time I travel in India. People from all over the world come here to find what Gaya can give as a birth gift. “A 12-person scuba diving site was built in front of Moshav Shavei Tzion, where the family of Ram Levinas, one of the fighters, lived, and an old ship was drowned, and 12 chairs were found next to it engraved The names of the fighters: A buoy at the sea indicates the location of the memorial, and a memorial to the 12 killed was erected near the base of the naval commando unit: “Here, Guy, We prefer to continue to remember you, with laughter and joy, with all the friends who always loved to sit with you and smile to the world, with a crutch K. drink in hand, something on the plate and feeling good at heart. This is how you will always be in our hearts, with the occupying smile, which continues to emerge from time to time in our dreams and creates a real warmth of longing. “

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