Glisko, Moshe

Glisko, Moshe

Moshe, son of Rachel and Meir Glisko, was born in August 1922 in Jezir-el-Omar, Turkey. He joined the Haganah and was active there before the Second World War. He served for five years as a driver on the Libyan, Greek, Italian and German fronts, and during his service he took part in the rescue of Jews and in assisting the displaced, and after his discharge from the army he worked as a driver In the service of transport and he continued to be active in the “Haganah.” With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he joined the ranks of the “Kiryati” Brigade and participated in battles in Hatikva and Salam On February 25, 1948, he fell in the line of duty to defend a supply convoy to Jerusalem, near the village of Saris, and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Sanhedria In Jerusalem.

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