Glikser, Meir

Glikser, Meir

Meir, son of Gitel Miriam and Simcha Glikser, was born on 18.9.1917 in the city of Skorzow, Poland and was a member of Hashomer Hatzair for many years. When he reached the age of conscription he was taken to the Polish army and served there during the war. Meir was taken captive and joined the Red Army, where he served as a tank soldier. His family members who remained in Poland were exterminated in the Majdanek camp.
After aliyah, Meir enlisted on his first call to report for duty, and from the day he left his home he did not return. On 20.5.1948 he enlisted in the Giladi Brigade. The Egyptians realized that Ashdod was a critical base for the activities of our forces, and they concentrated considerable force to conquer it. Egypt’s attack was launched on June 7, 1948. The night after the shelling of the Egyptian army, in the morning, the infantry assault began, but it was stopped by the defenders, and the Egyptian forces increased the shelling and even activated planes that bombed the area and caused heavy damage. Meir fell in this battle on the 29th of Iyar 5708 (7.6.1948). He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Nitzanim.

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