Givati, Yaron

Givati, Yaron

Yaron, Ben Miriam, and Shlomo was born on 15.4.1953 in Kibbutz Matzuva, where he studied at the Matzuba elementary school and then continued his studies at the regional high school in Gesher Haziv. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Yaron and his comrades were sent to a course in Sinai to participate in blocking the Egyptian army’s efforts to cross the Suez CanalDo not. He took part in the fierce battles during the first week of the war and turned out to be an excellent professional who carried out his task with the precision and precision of an armored corps man, whose special education and discipline are deeply embedded In the second week of the war, his unit left for the “Chinese farm” which a large Egyptian force defended, and the battle lasted for several days, and the unit suffered many losses. (16.10.1973), on the night of the breakthrough to the “Chinese Farm”, Yaron’s tank was hit while rushing to rescue another tank that had been hit earlier And was therefore exposed to enemy fire. Yaron was killed. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Kibbutz Matzuva. Left parents and brother. After being killed, he was granted the rank of lieutenant colonel.

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