Gitelman, Shlomo (Sioma)

Gitelman, Shlomo (Sioma)

Son of Chava and Reuven, was born in 1923 in Sereny, Poland. He had a popular education. He was a member of a Zionist youth movement and was fluent in Hebrew. At the outbreak of World War II, when the Germans entered Poland, he fled to Russia, and when the Germans attacked Russia he joined the Red Army and took part in the battles of Kursk-Oriol. In December 1947, he immigrated to Israel on the illegal immigrant ship “HaPorzim” and settled in Ramat Rachel. Came straight to the front of the fire and did not have time to taste the taste of a peaceful life in the kibbutz, which was a wedge in the Arab area and controlled the Jerusalem-Bethlehem road. The situation worsened as Egyptian forces arrived in the area and the economy was subject to heavy shelling. On May 22, 1948, a heavy attack was carried out on the kibbutz, a reinforced reinforcements unit was attacked and the defenders of the kibbutz were forced to retreat. On Saturday, May 22, 1948, during the retreat, he was hit by a shell that penetrated a vehicle on the road between Ramat Rachel and Arnona, and fell. He was buried in Sheikh Bader Aleph. On the 26th of Elul 5710 (8.9.1950) he was put to rest in the Ramat Rachel cemetery

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