Ginsburg, Shmuel-Yitzhak

Ginsburg, Shmuel-Yitzhak

Shmuel-Yitzhak, son of Shoshana and Uri Ginsburg, was born in the city of Essen, Germany, in 1929. He immigrated to Israel with his parents, and studied for nine years in the Netzach Israel school in Haifa. Shmuel-Yitzhak was known as one of the best students in sacred studies. He helped his father manage the synagogue affairs of the “Gmilot Chasadim” organization in the lower city, and devoted himself specifically to managing the “Yizkor” fundraising in favor of the Jewish National Fund in the synagogue. At the beginning of February 1948 he joined the Palmach’s “Haemek” battalion in the “Yiftach” brigade, served in the religious company and participated in all battles in the Upper Galilee. After the fighting resumed at the end of the first truce, the brigade participated in the “Dani” operation and on July 17-18, 1948, towards the beginning of the second truce, the “Haemek” battalion seized Shilat and an outpost in the eastern part of the Korikor ridge. In the morning it became clear that the Legion was holding the ridge and our men were forced to retreat. On the 11th of Tammuz 5708 (18.7.1948), Shmuel-Yitzhak fell and was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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