Ginsberg, Amnon (“Muki”)

Ginsberg, Amnon (“Muki”)

Son of Avraham and Gusta. He was born on 18.7.1939 in Bet-Alpha and completed his studies in eleven grades of the Zevulun School of Education and was a member of Hanoar Haoved, blessed with two precious qualities: love of Torah and way of life He was very much interested in the real professions and at the same time had a connection to poetry and music, he was outstanding in his intelligence and quick perception, and was always ready to put himself at the disposal of others. Social status of his peers and the subject of his class was respected and beloved, and after finishing his studies at the school he studied at the Ruppin Agricultural School. He was a farmer according to his profession, and with enthusiasm he did everything he did in his civilian life, and later in the army as well, and was drafted into the IDF in July 1957. On 9.9.1959 he was injured while fulfilling his duties and died a few hours later. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Ramat Yochanan, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and in his “Thirty Years” a booklet appeared in his memory.

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