Giladi, Ohad

Giladi, Ohad

Ben Nirit and Uri. Born in Haifa on September 19, 1988. At the age of two, the family moved to Yokne’am, where Ohad grew up, grew up, began his studies at the Arazim Elementary School, and graduated from Ort High School Yokneam was named after Yigal Allon in the field of graphics, computers and English, in which he enjoyed high achievements, but in fact, the school liked to go mainly to meet with friends and less to learn … Ohad, Who was still a young boy, was very interested in people and the sensitivity he displayed to the distress of the weak and the destitute. He helped people who were not fortunate enough, and already in the fourth grade, he prepared an exciting work in which he gathered press clippings about difficult cases, and Ohad’s sensitivity was also expressed in his love of animals – especially cats – and he loved the family cat. During the high school years, a fan belonged to a cheerful group that together loved to spend, to laugh and to be silly, and at the house Ohad was very attached to Klil, his sister ten years younger than him, and helped Very much in raising her. Four years later, Ohad and Neta were separated, but as they grew older, they became good friends and chatted, sharing experiences and laughing together. Ohad was gifted with a musical talent, and until the seventh grade he played piano, trumpet and guitar. Then he discovered the magic of the computer and since then has devoted most of his spare time to it. Ohad was very fond of computer games, and even took part in a computer games competition in Tel Aviv. Because of his low weight, a fan was exempt from military service, but he insisted on volunteering and serving like everyone else. On 6.12.2006, he enlisted in the Air Force, was stationed in the Intelligence Corps, and served in the Kirya in the ITIL unit as a laboratory technician. “Ohad was a quiet, modest, introverted and devoted soldier,” said Michael, one of his commanders: “Ohad had a very high level of professional knowledge in his field, and he also enjoyed his special sense of humor and extraordinary joie de vivre. He created good relationships with all the soldiers in the unit, did not get into fights with anyone and was a very personable person. ” Ohad worked shifts, and since he did not want to stay at the base, he would come home at the end of each shift. It was no small thing – almost every day Ohad made the long journey from Tel Aviv to Yokne’am and back, but here, so close to home, on a routine trip with friends, his life – only two months before his twentieth birthday – was picked up by a young fruit that had not yet matured. Ohad fell during his service on the 18th of Tammuz 5768 (18.7.2008), in a terrible car accident that took place between Daliyat al-Carmel and Elyakim junction. The driver of the vehicle in which Ohad had suddenly strayed from the path to the opposite lane collided with another vehicle coming across from him. Ohad, who was critically wounded, was rushed to the Rambam Hospital in Haifa for several hours, but his efforts to save him were unsuccessful, and four people were injured in the accident, one of them critically. Ohad was survived by his parents and two sisters, and was raised to the rank of sergeant, and his father told him: “Buddy Ben My love. I’ve been trying to write to you for two days and I’m not doing well. Thoughts,My longing, my pain and helplessness for not being able to help you this time, do not let go of me. Your life runs before my eyes like a moving tape, from birth to last bloody Friday. Fans, I had a great privilege to be your father. How much strength you gave me. … I was amazed by your sensitivity to people, to your sisters, and especially to me. How you always knew, according to my voice on the phone, what mood I was in. And now your voice is silent! Your thin body hug will be missing. The shine of your eyes faded. My fans, how much I want to hug you and kiss you, see your big beautiful eyes and hear your voice say to me: ‘Daddy, I love you’, to hold your hands, the fingers of the pianist … how did you know how to run them on the computer keyboard. I never understood how you do it so fast. I told you that you are like Ehud Manor’s poem ‘This is my second childhood.’ You did not understand what I was talking about, and I did not understand what I was saying. I mean, but only after I explained to you … I promised you I would read the poem to you and I did not get it … I’m reading it to you now … Oh, I did not mean to bury my second childhood … I wanted to keep seeing her blooming, and I can not say good-bye. Wonderful and dedicated, a loving brother and a loyal friend, comfortable in peace. ” “Ohad, in his capacity as part of the Air Force Intelligence Division, served with dedication and pride and over the past twenty months has been a partner in a variety of operational core activities, from the first of the family to the last of the soldiers who are here tonight Even after the terrible accident occurred, a few short hours of hope were defeated and shattered at once, and on Saturday night the family life changed – you lost a son and a brother, our lives changed as members of the service, and as a unit We lost a true friend, and Ohad reached our unit at the end of 2006 A few weeks ago, in a modest unitary ceremony, together with all his good friends and close to Ohad’s birthday, we were supposed to give the fan his rank, a degree that symbolizes professionalism, seniority, work and even closeness to the last year of service. We are all aware of the dangers that lie ahead of us on the roads, and we are all trained in our weekend briefings and educational messages. “Ohad, in his military service, was a partner in the most important security activity, Twenty-four hours, three hundred and sixty-five days a year Children and combat preparedness. He knew intensive shifts, weekends and nights, knew intelligence products about major threats in various arenas of interest, but the main and terrible threat was here at the crossroads, and everything changed in the second millenium … Ohad was recognized and defined by his friends for service in a very simple way: You can rely on him, just give him all, quietly and modestly … ‘. A few days ago, during an almost routine argument between a number of soldiers, one of the companies said to Gaf: “If there were many like a fan, we would not argue at all.” And that’s the secret of his power, and for that we all cry. We do not have many like him, and from Saturday night we do not even have him … Ohad was not a soldier trying to please or stand out from the commanders. Ohad was, still, and forever, belongs to the friends, that was funny, Eitam and Eitan got lost in conversations, with them and Eitan worked, contributed and gave it all, quietly, modestly and modestly, while volunteering for any task, meticulous, professional, purposeful and purposeful. …Ohad, there are no words that will ease the grief. There is no way to grasp how the tree of life was cut off, how there are no more plans, and that is precisely the stage through which nature is to plan, dream and fulfill. Ohad, we love you, salute you and part from you with unbearable pain. “I am sitting here in your room with all your things, trying to digest the fact that I will not see you again and I can not succeed. I do not get it in my brain, it does not make sense, I can not believe it, how do we manage in a house without you? Without your smile and your nonsense, who’s going to bug me now? This is the first time I miss your pestering, now that I know it will not be anymore. I know I did not show you how much you care about me and how much I admire you, and I’m sorry I did not tell you enough times how much I love you, but that does not mean I do not – I love you and always love, I’ll never forget You, and you are always in my heart. For me, you’re not dead. You live in my thoughts and dreams. I close my eyes and imagine you in front of me and talk to you in my heart, and that’s what helps me stand up and try to be as strong as I can. … I promise you I will be strong and I will support Mama and Baba and I will preserve Little Klal, and I will not give up our family. We will be strong and we will continue to live, and you are with us, guarding us from above, keeping us in our heart and in memory. Yours always, your little sister planted. “His good friend from the army wrote:” Odeyeye, you have no idea how much I miss you. You were my best friend. You were like a brother to me … You were the most special person I knew, you were a rare person, few like you … You had something so special, some kind of magic … Racheli, you and I were like a trio, ‘Trio What’s Connected’ – each time someone else was the older brother of the other two. No one or one did not like you. … The limb is really not the same without you, it’s cold and quiet. … It is said that the soul gives signs to people a few months before a person dies. Now that I look at it it was full of signs … You left us your laugh, which is the best souvenir you could leave. … You kept saying to us: ‘I’m going out with you or before you, there’s no way I’m released after you,’ and so it really happened. You were released before us. … Even though you’re far away now, I know you’re watching me closely. Even though I can not see you and feel your embrace again I know you’re there, see me and feel me … They say God takes the best of him, so he took you. Up there he made sure you had a good place to keep angels, because you were always worried about everyone to have the best. Odaye, we may have parted forever, but you will know that we will not part in the heart alive. You will always be with me in everything I do or think. With you forever, Misty. “Five months after Ohad’s death, his mother wrote:” My sweet son. The worst year of my life is going to end. The worst year of your life ended a few months ago. I do not stop thinking about the sentence, ‘May my death die beneath you today’ from David’s lament. Now these words pierce me almost every moment when I remember how much I miss you. I really would like to exchange a place with you. I lived enough, loved a lot, traveled a lot and learned, I did almost everything I wanted. I can give up on my continued presence on Earth. Nothing would ever be the same again. Even when I travel to a lovely place, I begin to cry that you will not be able to experience it. When I am happy and happy I am also sad, because you will not be able to feel as happy as I do. … How to live with without you?Without a big brother? … I guess I will never forgive myself for not keeping you good enough. I did not wrap you up-I felt you could judge what was good and what was not. I was wrong, or maybe not. Reality is so hard and unbearable. My head knows I had nothing to do, but my heart does not let me rest. Maybe I really did not prepare you well enough for this life and this world? I trusted your judgment, that you would know good from evil, that you should look after yourself as you did your sisters. Where are you now? … How do I stop looking for you everywhere? At home, on our street, at Grandpa’s, in a hitchhike with the soldiers in the air force uniform, at Nati’s barbershop, at the bus stop to Tel Aviv, in the corner of Bank Leumi, in your bed, in my soul, “My fans, from the day you left everything changed, and nothing will ever be the same again. Without you, the house is not the same house, the people are not the same people, the world is not the same world and life is not the same life. Everything turned over, good and familiar became evil and alien. I’m not the same anymore, laughter is not the same laugh, the pain is not the same pain, the touch, the hug, the kiss, the love … … I wake up in the morning and every day again discover that you are not here, Sometimes, I think, I do not understand, it does not make sense that I continue to live and you do not. I ask myself how I do it, it seems impossible to me, and yet I continue to wake up every morning and find forces I did not know are buried in me at all. I’m looking for the logic of this life, trying to understand fate, and finding only pain … Only in dreams are you here … “

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