Gil, Chaim

Gil, Chaim

Was born on July 8, 1927 in Tel Aviv and graduated from the “Kol Yisrael Haverim” school and went to work, where he was interested in metalwork and specialized in car smithing. At the end of 1944 he joined the Irgun underground, which he served with all his might. In the underground he underwent regular training, sabotage, and sabotage, and worked in a sabotage unit. His commanders respected him for his courage, his diligence and obedience, and his willingness to fulfill any task he was given. At the end of April 1948, the Etzel units attacked the Manshiyeh neighborhood with the aim of disconnecting them from Jaffa and eliminating the threat posed by Tel Aviv, and the Irgun fighters managed to reach the sea and cut off the neighborhood. Haim participated in the battles as one of the members of a breakout squad and fell in battle on April 30, 1948. A shrapnel hit his left hip and killed him. Haim was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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