Gidron, Ilan

Gidron, Ilan

Ilan, son of Tamar and Moshe, grandson of Dov and Rivka Hoz, and David and Pnina Gordon, was born on January 4, 1953 in Tel Aviv. In its early years the family wandered: Tel Aviv, Kibbutz Neveh Yam, Neve Magen and Be’er Sheva. When Ilan was seven years old, the family settled in Neve Magen in Ramat Hasharon. Ilan attended the “Neve Magen” school and the “Hasharon” high school. In his class a cohesive group formed a strong bond of evil. Together they played and learned, grew up and grew up, and together they went to army service. The thin, kind child was a handsome and handsome boy, all soft and tender, a smile of grace shining on his face, full of love and love for everything. “Ilan, in his twenty years, has always been this fine and wonderful young boy.” “His personality, sensitive, gentle guy – a good boy.” “Somewhere in its essence, this delicacy was inherent.” “He had a trait I did not meet with anyone – love, love for people.” “I was full of admiration for the extent to which he was able to be a friend.” “What I found in him is his sensitivity” – these fragments of his friends may reveal something of his image. Ilan was drafted into the IDF in August 1971. Tikva Omam became a great aspiration to be a pilot, but Ilan did not finish the course, because he knew that he himself was responsible for this, because he was not diligent enough about the real studies – Ilan joined his friends in the Armored Corps, and passed the course of training in tank training courses, tank commanders, officers’ training course, and officers training course, and in the course of his military service, 13.6.1972 He was ordained as an armored officer, commander of the tank division, with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Again he had to accept his position as a tank-gun instructor at the Armored Corps School, when he longed to join the comrades stationed in the lines that served in the lines. Gradually, however, Ilan found interest and challenge in his role. He felt responsible for his subordinates and tried to be an understanding and helpful commander. On the eve of Yom Kippur, Ilan’s unit was lowered to Rafidim on the afternoon of Yom Kippur, with the sudden attack on the planes, Ilan leaped into the tank’s turret and fired the antiaircraft machine, and as a tank officer Ilan went out with the force towards the Suez Canal. Another tank emerges from the dark until they reach Kantara – the battalion is battered, a lone tank rages through the streets of the ghostly city, infested with enemy and fiery fire, without a command, without a map, aiming to reach the water line to shoot across the canal. The “Milano” stronghold lost its tank and stopped, and with the light of day the fire on the tank and its surroundings intensified, and Ilan ordered a quick evacuation. Ilan and his team joined the defenders of Maoz Milano and took part in the fighting for his defense, and were ordered to evacuate the stronghold, the night of terror, walking among the ambushes of the enemy, fire, wounded and dead, And at the end of the first day they find a hiding place under a bush, and suddenly a fire opens from our tanks … Ilan and another soldier take a prayer shawl from a reservist who prayed “Shacharit” and run towards the shooter’s tank . Thus twenty-four fighters were saved. Ilan is wounded in the face, but refuses to evacuate. He organizes a tank department and goes to war. Fourteen days, Ilan fought hard battles. During the battles, he changed six tanks, but according to his commanders and subordinates, he controlled the force under his command with an atmosphere of friendship and readiness for every mission. On the 19th of Tishrei 5734 (October 19, 1973) west of the Suez Canal, in the battle for the “Ural” compound, when he was in charge of tanks and he was exposed in the turret,He was killed and killed. “In his actions, he showed courage, resourcefulness, and exemplary coolness” – in the words of the masterpiece given to him. After they fell, Ilan was promoted to lieutenant. Ilan was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Left parents and brother. His family published two booklets containing the words of friends about him, as they were presented in two meetings, held in his memory; In the book “Benigno,” which was published by the local council of Ramat Hasharon, and in the book “The First Walkers – the Brigade in the Yom Kippur War” In the issue of Camp No. 36-35 of the 28th of Iyar 5735, the list “David’s Tefillin,” which describes his fighting, was published. In the “Davar HaShavua” issue of 9.11.1973, the writer Yoram Kaniuk published a list of him – “Ilan is cast in awe.”

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