Gewirtzer, Abraham

Gewirtzer, Abraham

Son of Neshka and Shalom Simcha was born on March 22, 1924, in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, to parents who were religiously observant and immigrated to Israel as a baby. In Jerusalem, where his parents settled, he studied at the “Chayei Olam” Talmud Torah, and when he completed his studies, he began to work as a painter to help the family. When the War of Independence broke out, he was one of the first recruits and served for two months on the besieged Mount Scopus campus, detached from his home. When he returned, he was sent to Armon Hanatziv, guarded at his posts and then moved to Mount Zion. At the beginning of the truce, he was glad that the days of the nightmare had passed and that he could return to his family, but on the day of the truce, on September 12, 1948, while on Mount Zion, he got hit by a bullet in the head that put an end to his life. On August 17, 1950, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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