German, Ehud

German, Ehud

Ben Claudia and Lewis. He was born on the 11th of Tishrei, 5710 (11.10.1989) in Haifa. Brother to Gili and Assaf. ” On November 15, 2009, Ehud enlisted in combat engineering, full of motivation and energy. In the army, too, it was important for him to succeed and contribute. As a dominant figure and a leader in taking responsibility, and his colleagues and commanders greatly appreciated him. At the end of basic training he was the departmental bestowal. Ehud German fell during his service on April 2, 2010, at the age of twenty and a half was in his fall. He was laid to rest in the military section of the military cemetery in Misgav. Survived by his parents, sister and brother. After his death he was promoted to corporal.

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