Gerhard, Norman (Nahum)

Gerhard, Norman (Nahum)

Son of-Batsheva and Avraham was born on December 4, 1962 in India, where he spent his first year studying in an elementary school in Bombay, India, where he immigrated to Israel with his parents in September 1969 and settled in Ashdod. After graduating from sixth grade, Norman moved to the religious comprehensive school in Ashdod, completed three years of study and moved to a vocational school where he specialized in the printing and graphic industries. Norman helped his sick mother manage her household. Norman enlisted in February 1981 and served in the infantry. On the 9th of Sivan 5761 (11.6.1981), Norman was on a training course in a built-up combat unit, and he was at the head of a purification squad with two other soldiers, and the training was conducted with live ammunition. He was buried in the military section of the cemetery in Ashdod, where he left behind his parents, four brothers and a sister, and wrote to him in a letter of condolence to his family: “Your son was an excellent soldier. He has a strong desire to invest and give from his best. His commanders liked him and his friends liked him. “

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