Georges, Leonid

Georges, Leonid

Son of Anzhelika and Rafael. Leonid was born in Russia, in the city of Barnaul in southern Siberia, on the 22nd of Tishrei 5749 (September 22, 1988). He was also the first grandchild in the family, the grandparents Ilia and Israel and the grandmothers Raya and Tzila. He was followed by Michael (Misha) and Daniela (Dana). Leonid, affectionately called Lonia, was a smiling, quiet baby, his father says, with large, curious blue eyes. He loved the mess, loved to disassemble objects – but he also knew how to put things together again. His brother Misha was born when Leonid was a year and a half old. They grew up very close and the connection between them was very strong all these years. The family immigrated to Israel in 1991. They settled in Kiryat Ata. Leonid, who was two and a half years old, quickly integrated into the local garden and quickly absorbed the language. Leonid studied in his city, starting with Gordon Elementary School and continuing to junior high school “Rogozin”. In ninth grade he went to study at the Air Force Technical School in Haifa. From an early age, years before joining the air force school, Leonid was very interested in aviation. In seventh grade, he joined a group of pilots and kept it for three years. In the circle, he deepened his knowledge of aviation, and modeled the planes he built with his family on the weekends they spent together. After a year at the air force school, Leonid moved to high school in Haifa, where he finished 12th grade with a very good matriculation certificate. Leonid showed special interest in science, physics, mathematics, and electronics, and his matriculation grades in these subjects were excellent. Leonid did not externalize his feelings, nor did he boast about his achievements in school. Leonid was a quiet, modest, introverted boy who was always willing to help. He loved animals very much and felt very compassionate towards them, so he decided at the age of fourteen to be vegan and since then has been successful. During his spare time Leonid spent a lot of time with his family, and together they spent many Saturdays at the beach, when Leonid creates magnificent works from his shells for his little sister. In his work in seashells, as well as works he liked to make from other natural materials (eg cones), Leonid proved that he had a very good technical ability. Leonid spent many hours with his brother, to whom he was especially attached. Leonid joined the Israel Defense Forces in December 2007. He was assigned to the Computer Corps, and after completing an electronics course he was assigned to serve in the Golan Heights as a communications systems technician, and he performed his duties with dedication and professionalism. (August 31, 2008). He is nineteen years old when he falls. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Kiryat Ata cemetery. Survived by parents, brother and sister.

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