Genzer, Tzvi-Henry

Genzer, Tzvi-Henry

Tzvi-Henry, son of Yitzhak and Pepi Genzer, was born in 1946, in the city of Fokshany, Romania. He grew up in the spirit of Zionism and dreamed of immigrating to Israel. After a long wait, the family finally immigrated and Tzvi spent several months in Kibbutz Mishmar Hanegev. He loved the country with all his Lev and soul. He volunteered in August 1964 and did not wait for an enlistment order, because he saw military service as the first thing for all. After the basic training period, he found his place in the service as a medic, because in his youth he underwent several “first aid” courses and before his enlistment he was among the volunteers for Magen David Adom. He passed several courses in the army and successfully completed the officers’ course. Tzvi loved his military service and fulfilled every role with dedication and loyalty. His commander testified that his way in the army was a way of helping others and educating his subordinates to support those who were suffering. His ambition was to continue his studies, but on the 19th of Cheshvan (2.11.1966), he fell while fulfilling his duties and was brought to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. After his death he was promoted to lieutenant.

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