Genizadovitch, Dov (Berla)

Genizadovitch, Dov (Berla)

Son of Chaya and Simcha was born on December 30, 1924, in the town of Chiechanowicz, Poland, and immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1936. He attended the school for the children of workers in Haifa, but he had to stop his studies because of his parents’ parents financial situation. From the age of 15 he worked in frameworks and studied evening classes for working youth, was a quiet, straight and comfortable youth, and at the age of 18 he joined the British Navy and served there for two and a half years, After returning home he was unemployed for a long time from, he began to learn a new profession so that he could make a living from it, and soon he reached the rank of excellent moulder. Thirsty after a UN resolution to partition the country, he and his father were wounded when a car who drove her from work was attacked from a gunfire by an Arab gang Booadi- register. As soon as he recovered, he came to full service and even urged his friends to do so. He was stationed, together with his brother, in the “Oded” Brigade and in its ranks took part in military operations in the Upper Galilee. When he was lightly injured in the battle, he tried to hide it from the family members so as not to cause them concern and to avoid missing out on the next battles. Dov died on the 17th of Tammuz 5708 (17.7.1948) in a battle over the Tel Aziziyat outpost and was buried in the cemetery of shar yisuv, and on the 14th of Adar 5703 (March 3, 1950) he was brought To rest in the military cemetery in Haifa.

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