Gellerman, Yevgeny

Gellerman, Yevgeny

Ben Anana and Shmuel. Was born on March 21, 1974 in Moscow, USSR, the eldest son of a family of two children. Yevgeny was a gifted and creative child, who was accepted at the age of five at the School of Arts where he studied and was educated for ten years. When Yevgeny was ten years old his mother died and he remained with his father and his younger brother, who was only three years old. Yevgeny was both a child and an adult, and supported his father and younger brother. In his spare time, Yevgeny was engaged in sports, boxing and wrestling, but also much in reading and drawing. After several years, in 1990, his father restored his family when he married Rina. When he became seventeen, in 1991, the family immigrated to Israel and integrated into a Hebrew ulpan in Tiberias. After a short period of time, Yevgeny chose a combined track of Hebrew and work studies at Kibbutz Mesilot. He acquired the language and became familiar with Israeli society. At the end of his studies Yevgeny joined his family, who lived in the “Hevel Shalom” caravan center near Moshav Dekel, and went to work and help support the family. At the end of November 1992, Yevgeny was drafted into the army and volunteered to serve as a combat soldier in the Paratroopers Brigade, successfully completing his long and arduous training course, continuing his training in advanced training, taking a parachuting course and being sent to a course for armored personnel carriers. At the end of his combat training, he received the rank of corporal and went with his unit for further training and operational activity in the territories and in Lebanon, and was promoted to the rank of sergeant.Yevgeny loved his unit and was proud of being a paratrooper and a combat fighter. Yevgeny took care of his family, who moved to Kiryat Gat in April 1993. On May 11, 1995, Yevgeny was killed while carrying out his duties in Lebanon during an ambush in the area of ​​the Kantara outpost, In the security zone in Lebanon, and Yevgeny was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Gat, leaving behind his parents and brother Lev. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “Yevgeny was an excellent fighter, a model soldier. Performed in full all that was imposed on him. … Yevgeny fell during an activity aimed at fighting terrorists daily and defending the northern communities. We will always remember his smile, his love for his unit, his commanders and his friends. “Yevgeny did not fulfill his plan to study at the Technion, and he fell a few months before his release from the IDF. Left a collection of paintings and photographs, from his childhood to his last days.

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