Geller, Mordechai (Mickey)

Geller, Mordechai (Mickey)

Mordechai (Mickey), son of Ada and Ezra Geller, was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1928.During the Second World War, he was forced to hide from the Nazi occupiers. In 1946 he arrived in Israel on the illegal immigration route and began working in Degania A. When the battles began in the War of Independence he volunteered for service in the Jerusalem Brigade Etzion, Castel, Sheikh Jarrah, and Mount Zion. During the first truce, while defending the Talbieh neighborhood, Mordechai was killed in an accident on 18 Tammuz (25.7.1948) and was buried in the Sanhedria cemetery. On 26.9.1951, he was laid to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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