Gelfand, Yehuda

Gelfand, Yehuda

The only son of Shoshana (Rosa) and Shlomo, was born in 1929 in the city of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. He immigrated to Israel and from 1945 was a member of the Haganah in the suburb of Hebron and was known for his dedication to his friends and positions, in his humility and good character.In the early days of the War of Independence he served in positions in south Tel Aviv and later joined the Givati ​​Brigade. The Egyptians understood that this point could serve as the basis for the activity of our forces in the rear and therefore concentrated considerable strength The Egyptian attack was launched on June 7, 1948. The Egyptian army was heavily bombed and the attack began in the morning, but it was halted by the fire of the defenders, and the Egyptians increased the shelling and even activated planes that bombed the agriculture and caused heavy damage. Iyar 5708 (June 7, 1948.) He was hit by a cannon shell shortly before the surrender of the defenders and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Nitzanim.

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