Gelblum, Yechezkel (Chizki)

Gelblum, Yechezkel (Chizki)

The only son of Baruch and Rachel. He was born on the 12th of Teves, January 1, 1950, in Ramat Gan. His parents were Polish immigrants, who had been rooted in the country. The house was suffused with the atmosphere of the Yishuv, before the establishment of the state. He attended elementary school in Shilo, but at the age of twelve, he left his home, and went to the Hadasim children’s village, where he quickly became involved with the children’s society. He represented all the trainees, and often defended them, but at the same time, demanded discipline and responsibility from them. He was an ardent fighter for justice. He spent many hours reading and studying literature related to current historical and political issues. He was attentive to the words of others, respectful of them, but was not inclined to submit to views that were contrary to his conscience, and frankly would speak about them, which made him a leader. He never raised his voice, and when he spoke, he was pleasant and captivating. Towards the end of his high school studies, he volunteered to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces. In August 1968, he was drafted into the IDF, and fought hard to join a combat force, since he was the only son of his parents. But finally he gave in to his parents’ requests, and joined the Signal Corps. His commanders marked him as fulfilling his duties faithfully, with dedication and perseverance. However, in this service, before he received his matriculation certificate, he fell, while serving in the Eshel Hanasi area, near Mishmar Hanegev. This was on the 7th of Nissan, March 26, 1969. He was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The Hadasim High School issued a pamphlet entitled “Chizki” to commemorate Yechezkel’s memory, and a library was set up by his parents, to commemorate his name.

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