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Geiger, Haim (“Curly”)

Geiger, Haim (“Curly”)

Son of Arthur and Lydia. He was born on July 4, 1947 in Romania, where he studied in an elementary school. In April 1961, he immigrated to Israel with his family. When Haim was 14, he was sent by Youth Aliyah to a group of guards and there, while working in tractors, his love for mechanics developed. His cousin David Dorban, who was his mathematics teacher, wrote in his memory and noted that “even complicated problems would come up with enthusiasm that necessarily caused disorder in thought.” But, David noted, , “The final solution was always clean and accurate. I was impressed by the meticulousness and thoroughness that would form it. The same thoroughness was expressed in small things. He was blessed with gaiety and passion for life, which was connected to natural love of man and faith in his goodness. I can not remember him, even once, complaining or complaining about an existing one. He had a lot of humor. More than once, when we discussed the situation and what was going to happen, it was expressed optimistically with faith in the future. For two years he was active in the Student Council, and at that time he met his girlfriend, who was to marry her, and was drafted into the IDF in early September 1966 and assigned to the Ordnance Corps. He did his work well and at the beginning of March 1969 joined the career army. Haim wanted to serve on the northern border, knowing that by doing so he would be able to contribute to the IDF and the State of Israel at full capacity.In light of the 26th of Kislev 5731 (23.12.1970), Lieutenant Haim was killed while serving in the military cemetery in Haifa. Who was born after the fall of her father, was called Yifat, a name Haim chose for him in his life. I knew him in basic training and there was no better place than the army, under pressure, to recognize a person. He was always the first to execute an order, out of a sense of responsibility, that there was no sense of many. He looks at each command from a positive point of view – “In addition to his optimistic approach to everything, the friend noted his kindness, his sense of responsibility and his willingness to help others. Geiger z “l. A number of cypresses were planted beside the monument; His cousin, David Dorban, wrote a dissertation in order to partially fulfill the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering, submitted to the Senate of the Hebrew Technion in Haifa in Tevet 1971. The prize is awarded to the winners of the ” Haim.