Gar, Isaac

Gar, Isaac

Son of Chaya and Abraham, was born on 15 April 1928 in Jerusalem. He graduated from elementary school and later worked as a car electrician. At the age of 16 he wanted to enlist in the Jewish Brigade in the British Army but was not accepted because of his youth. When he was 19, he married and prepared to establish his status in civilian life, but when the War of Independence began following the UN General Assembly resolution on the partition of the country, he joined the Irgun about two months after his wedding. He participated in the defense of Tel Aviv, revenge on the Arabs who burned his parents’ home in the Hatikva neighborhood, in the battle to conquer Jaffa, and more. In the spring of 1948, his brother served with him in one company (after the brother was discharged from service because of illness, volunteered to the Irgun and was accepted), and since two brothers were not sent to one battle, Yitzhak would demand that his brother remain in the rear because of his illness, while his brother demanded that Yitzchak remain at home because he was already the father of the baby. But Yitzhak did not want to evade the baby, and in the battle for the defense of its Jews, he fell on the 3rd of Sivan 5708 (June 10, 1948) and was brought to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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