Gaon, Nimrod

Gaon, Nimrod

Nimrod (Nimi), son of Edith and Raphael, was born on August 3, 1951. He studied at the Border School and continued his studies at the Arlozorov Elementary School in Ashkelon. Nimrod was a graduate of the first graduating class of this military boarding school, a good student, diligent and disciplined, who excelled mainly in the military professions, was a music lover, loved to play guitar and sing, wrote songs and dedicated his spare time To read history books, He was always very kind and quick, very diligent and capable of leadership, and he worked tirelessly and relentlessly and knew how to do it. Nimrod was drafted into the IDF in early August 1969 and volunteered for the Armored Corps. After completing basic training, he completed a course for infantry commanders, a Patton tank course and a course for tank commanders. During his service in the IDF, he took part in a course for officers of the Armored Corps, a course for armored corps officers and a course for battalion commanders in the Armored Corps, and his commanders wrote about him: “He is a responsible and diligent officer, loyal and dedicated. He is firm and uncompromising, very meticulous in his discipline. His approach to his subordinates was in a special way – that there were no compromises. He had principles of reward and punishment, which he would not give up. His company was a highly disciplined and well-organized company, and it made every effort to achieve high achievements. “In October 1972, the Jerusalem Post published an article by a military reporter describing the way Nimrod managed his unit during the routine of the cease-fire, When the Yom Kippur War broke out, he was sent with his unit to the Sinai front and took part in the battles against the Egyptians on October 7, 1973. Nimrod fell in a battle that took place on the banks of the Suez Canal in the central sector. Egyptian commando soldiers and his company was assigned to liquidate the ambush. The mission accomplished perfectly, Nimrod’s tank was hit and he boarded another tank and continued After a full night of fighting, the tank was hit again, and three of Nimrod’s soldiers were wounded and continued to fight and shoot from the tank, and when he was standing in a turret, his upper body was hit by a bullet in the head and he was killed. – After his fall, he was promoted to captain. His parents published a book in his memory, which included the words of friends about his character, letters, memoirs, lyrics and photographs. The name of the book is similar to one of his poems: “I am a soldier and do not cry girl.” On Memorial Day 5735, a radio program was broadcast on “Galei Tsaha”l, called “Life of a Man.”. “

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