Ganor, Yoram

Ganor, Yoram

Yoram, son of Lulu and Koka Greenberg, was born on April 27, 1949 in Ramle. As a child he wandered with his parents from one place to another until his family settled in Bat Yam. He studied in elementary schools in the village of Salameh in Tel Aviv, in Ramat Yosef and in Bat Yam. Afterward he continued his studies at the Sokolov Laor high school in Jaffa. Yoram was a good student and excelled mainly in manual labor. During his youth he spent a lot of time in the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement, which was a member of it. He also took part in various activities outside the movement and dedicated his time to Gadna – air and judo, which he liked, but most of all he loved painting and sculpture. Yoram was drafted into the IDF in 1967, on the eve of the Six-Day War, and volunteered for the paratroopers’ corps. . He completed a platoon commander course and was assigned to the unit as a rifle commander. According to his commanders, he was an outstanding soldier, a good paratrooper and an excellent commander, courageous and dedicated. He participated in the Six-Day War, in pursuit of terrorists in the Jordan Valley, in various operational operations, and fought on the southern front during the War of Attrition. The last phone call to his mother illustrates more than anything else his attitude and anxiety to his parents, who has always refrained from doing so. As always, he said, “Do not worry, everything will be all right and we’ll all be back.” In 1969, after he was discharged from regular service, he worked as a jeweler and in the evening began to study art, which was his favorite subject. During the Yom Kippur War, Yoram took part in the battle against the Egyptians on the Sinai front. On October 23, 1973, about an hour before the cease-fire came into being, he was wounded in the battle at the outskirts of the city of Ismailia and died of his wounds after a few hours. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He left behind a wife, two tiny boys – one two years old and the other a few weeks old – whom they did not really know – parents and a sister. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant.

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