Gamble, John-Allen

Gamble, John-Allen

Born in 1918 in England. He studied and was educated at Brunette School in Mansfield and was an outstanding athlete. He represented his school with respect to the cricket and soccer fields, and was very pleased with his managers and educators. However, he excelled as a swimmer and diver. After graduating, he began to work as an accountant, married a wife and established a home and family in his home country. When World War II broke out, he joined the British Army and was assigned to the Artillery Corps. Until 1943, he served as an instructor in an artillery course in South Wales and Ireland and was later sent to North Africa and served in the Eighth Army. After the Allied invasion of Italy, he took part in activities in the Pisa region, where he displayed courage, coolness and devotion to the cause of which he was awarded the “Ali Eshel” Medal of Excellence. At the beginning of 1945, when the Jewish Brigade was sent to the front in Italy, the British-Christian soldier, Sergeant Major-General John Allen, volunteered for its ranks and was attached to its artillery regiment, modest in its manner, easy to please and kindhearted, On April 17, 1945, as he was leading his cannon battery to the front, John rode on a motorcycle to supervise its movement. The cars in the caravan that led to it raised clouds of dust and they dazzled him: he collided with a truck and was wounded by mortal wounds. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Forli, Italy. The Jewish National Fund planted ten trees in one of the country’s forests. His name is commemorated in the book “The Jewish Brigade.” Score a covariance position cVI.C.23 Unit cRoyalcArtilleryc Rank cWarrantcOfficercClasscIIc Age 27

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