Galal, David
Ben Zahava and Avraham. He was born on December 10, 1963 in Ramat Gan. As a member of a religious family, David began studying at the Etzion religious-religious school in Yad Eliyahu. He continued to study at the Bnei Akiva yeshiva in Givat Shmuel and completed his studies at the Tel Aviv Municipal Council. During his studies he was a member of the Bnei Akiva religious youth movement. Because he was a gifted and talented boy, he was added to the “Science-Seeking Youth” circles at Bar-Ilan University. David was a book man from an early age and read more books than the library could offer him. David was drafted into the IDF on February 2, 1982 and volunteered for the Armored Corps, after which he became a lieutenant. During the War of 1973, David spent many months in Lebanon, most of the time in the area of Beirut, and was promoted to the rank of sergeant. David had excellent command and served as an example to all the company’s soldiers. The certificate of release described his behavior as very good, and the assessment recorded in the certificate did not spare praise: “disciplined, thorough, punctual, proactive, diligent, dedicated, responsible, capable of leadership, organization and management and capable of working with an audience.” After his discharge from the army, he began studying economics and political science at Bar-Ilan University, and worked in the field of advertising and marketing. David had plenty of ideas and created original commercials in which the secret was hidden. In his work he invested a lot of thought and vision. He enthusiastically prepared plans, describing how things could develop, or how they should develop in the future. It was easy to get carried away in his imagination and see how soon, tomorrow, everything will come true and succeed. He also did his reserve duty in an armored unit. David loved the reserve service. At a test time, when his unit was assigned to perform a mission, he volunteered with a smile on his face, but determined to be the first to perform. Without words, only by eye contact with the battalion commander, was the agreement always reached: David among the burglars, David knew how to love the people around him: the family, the friends, the reservists, He was the first to reach out to all the needy, he knew how to reach people, their feelings, without irritating and harassing him, he gained trust, he knew how to keep a secret, and people opened up to him.Two of Tammuz 5771 (27.6.1991) Sgt. David Galal In the course of his duties, he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving his parents, brother and sister Ze’ev and Miriam.