Gadir, Ahmed

Gadir, Ahmed

Ben Ayesha and Salah. Was born on 18 December 1986 in the Bedouin village of Bir al-Maksur. Ahmed studied and completed his studies in his village. Was an intelligent boy who loved to study, a good and wise student. He loved to help others, and he helped a lot of fellow students. Above all, the welfare of his family was in front of his eyes, and he always cared for his mother and his younger brothers. As a son of a respectable family, most of whose sons serve in the security forces, Ahmad decided to volunteer for the IDF and continue the family tradition, despite the tragedy that struck the family seven months earlier, on 12 May 2004, The “Philadelphi Route” was the cousin of his father, First Sergeant Ayman Gadir, in the explosion of the APC where he was with four of his fellow fighters, who were also killed. Ahmed joined the IDF on December 12, 2004. After basic training, he continued his advanced training at Givati’s brigade training base and began his service as a combat soldier in the Desert Patrol Battalion, and was a motivated, dedicated and loved soldier. All his commanders and comrades-in-arms testified that he was the first to volunteer for all the missions and showed courage in facing the dangers he faced: On December 6, 2007, Ahmad went on a special leave to say goodbye to his father, who was about to leave for Mecca on the occasion of the holiday of the sacrifice The son of his son, and his father, who accompanied his father to the transport that led the delegation to Jordan in the direction of Mecca, the last meeting of the father and son. On the same day, at 17:00, he was laid to rest at a military ceremony held by the Desert Patrol Battalion at the cemetery in Bir al-Maksur, where he was accompanied by a crowd of people who accompanied him on his final journey. Company and Battalion. The family was represented by his uncles, brothers, and close family; Ahmed’s father, who was on his way to Mecca, did not attend the funeral of his beloved son. The fall of Ahmed shocked the family that had not recovered from the previous disaster. The wounds that had not yet healed reopened, and the pain and grief enveloped the whole village. Ahmed left behind his parents, three sisters – Ibtasam, Anam and Sara, and three brothers – Ibrahim, Muhammad and Ismail.

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