Gabbai, Shmuel

Gabbai, Shmuel

Shmuel, son of Esther and Sasson, was born on 27.11.1951 in Jerusalem. Shmuel was drafted into the IDF at the end of October 1969. He was posted to Nahal with his comrades in the “Kinrot” nucleus, and did agricultural training in Kibbutz Alumot. In the course of the military training, he was trained as a heavy machine gun operator, underwent a parachute training course and was given a paratrooper’s wings. At the end of October 1972, Shmuel was released from regular service and assigned to a reserve unit of the paratroopers. After he was released, he worked as a security officer at the “Mashbir Lazarchan” and Allenby Bridge, and was about to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and then go abroad to study veterinary medicine, but he did not achieve his dream. To undergo a training course for Hetam’s relations, at the base of the corps’s training. When the war broke out, Shmulik and his comrades were sent to a course in the Golan Heights in order to assist in the battle against the Syrians. On October 12, 1973, Shmulik was wounded in an artillery attack and was killed. He was laid to rest at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, two sisters and two brothers. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant.

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