Gabbai, Abraham

Gabbai, Abraham

Son of Yehoshua and Najia. Born in 1950 in Baghdad, Iraq, his family immigrated to Israel, where he studied at the “Koshet” elementary school in Jerusalem, then studied for one year at the “BaMaleh” school in Or Yehuda and continued at the naval officers’ academy in Acre. He was a member of the youth movement of the Labor Party in Or Yehuda and a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement, and was naturally humble, shy and shy, But his face was good and illuminating with an expression of joy of life, and all his actions were done with discretion and determination in important matters as well as in the industry In February 1969, Avraham was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces on March 20, 1969, when he was killed by enemy shelling in the Port Tawfik area, When he was engaged in fortifying the stronghold, he was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, and the commander of his unit wrote a letter of condolence to his family, and among other things he mentioned Abraham as “the spirit of the company, pleasant and loved by his friends. He was an active participant in the construction of the fortifications along the Suez Canal, which provided a roof and shelter for IDF soldiers from the fire of the Egyptians. A youth and sports club was opened in memory of Or Yehuda.

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