Fuld, Guy

Fuld, Guy

The youngest son of Lily and Abraham. He was born on Saturday, 15.11.1980, in Givatayim, the fourth child in the family, the brother of Elon, Eyal and Sarit, who enjoyed unlimited love from his family and returned even more.In his early years he grew up in his hometown of Givatayim, But at the age of three, the family moved to the grandmother’s home, waiting to complete the construction of the permanent home in Yavneh, and at the age of four he moved to Yavneh Elementary School, where he moved to Ramot Weizman Elementary School, Sixth grade, graduating from junior high and high school at the “Ginsburg Oren” Comprehensive High School Guy was an outstanding student, diligent and responsible, a quiet child with a living He was an active participant in the school’s activities, and in the performances and ceremonies, his artistic side was expressed: Guy was a man of melodies and sounds. He learned to play the organ at the local community center and continued to study privately. The music was in his soul: he loved to listen to music, and to make his own music. In high school he began playing classical guitar, and then switched to an electric guitar. In addition to his love for music, he loved playing basketball. In his short life, Guy traveled several times abroad. The first trip was at the age of twelve to the “summer school” in London. When he reached Bar Mitzvah age, Guy traveled with his mother and brothers to Amsterdam and Paris. At the age of fifteen, Guy and his family traveled to southern France, in the Loire Valley. His last trip abroad was to Rome, with his parents, a few days before his enlistment, and Guy was recruited to the IDF on March 21, 1999 and was assigned to combat engineering. He was trained as a cadet and served in Battalion 603 – Lahav. When he was in basic training, he bought close friends who continued to accompany him lovingly. Guy was a quiet, disciplined soldier, always attentive to others, but never afraid to express his opinions to his commanders. During the course of his service in the IDF, he spent many years in the territories, in training and under bombardment in positions in the north during operational activity, during the second intifada and the nature of his activity, which led to Guy not receiving many vacations. He was interested in keeping kosher at home and in the army, and even began to put on tefillin (phylacteries), and Guy fell during his service, suddenly, on Valentine’s Day, August 4, 2001 ), A rare flower that was harvested at the height of its flowering at the age of twenty and a half, when he was laid to rest in the military section of the house Who left behind two parents and two brothers and a sister: “Guy, there are so many things we wanted to tell you and we did not get it. As these words are written, the tears are constantly flowing and the throat is choked. And all that comes to mind is why? How we have sinned that the punishment we have received is so heavy and terrible. … so many things remained open here, in the void, unanswered. I look at the grave and am certain that I am in a nightmare, and I wait for someone to appear, shake me and wake me, and bring you back to us. You were sensitive, considerate, helpful, smiling, smart, a child of a father and mother. I remember every time you came on vacation from the army, you would go to visit the grandmother, the grandfather and the aunt. You were an example to all of us, a flower that in four months he would have to be twenty-one years old and we would be snatched in advance. Without any preparation in advance, which suddenly leaves allWe lack faith, find ourselves staring for hours at an unclear point in the empty space and trying to understand, digest and absorb what happened. I do not know if we will ever succeed, but I tell you that forever and ever you will be in our hearts, in our thoughts, wherever we are and at all times. We will always remember you tall, sturdy, with a military tan, like a child who loves others, family and friends. A child who likes to have fun, to have fun, and when necessary – always there to help. We will always remember your look in our minds forever, with your special smile, the little side. We sit and think about how to end something we never wanted to end. We send you countless kisses, hugs … We always love you, the family. “In a condolence letter to the bereaved family, Lt. Col. Yuval Mor, the unit’s commander, wrote:” It is a sad day for us, the commanders and soldiers of the Lahav Battalion, Hardening and refusing to digest Guy’s death. Guy was a special figure. The calm, the serenity and willingness to help and assist in every mission, large and small, made him sympathetic to all the company’s fighters. In the course of his service, Guy discovered his judgment, his devotion to purpose, intelligence, high physical ability and self-discipline. The “Erez” Company bows its head and celebrates its memory. We all have a hard time believing that Guy is no longer with us. The pain is great, and there are no words to comfort you. “The soldiers of the” Erez “company wrote: Guy, the calm and quiet that you have planted in all of them, we will remember and never forget.the indifferent smile that was still in your face is still with us in your spirit that will surely remain forever. Of investment, caring and professionalism, an investment in the routine life of army and uniform, you did not complain, peace of mind filled with life, coffee evenings and cards, songs that you loved in the background playing, There are things that must not be seen … So from above we will continue to be, we have the right to win you, to know your amazing personality in the company , Painful but not forgetting, your forever witness of the company ‘Erez’. ” “It’s a shame to waste effort on analyzing the reasons for grief, you can not go back, no magic can change what happened, there’s no point in blaming it,” she said. And you, who are like you, know the pain, let life re-nourish you, even though it seems impossible in the empty space that will always remain, strengthen and embrace and be proud of such a charming child who was honored to know, a soldier of the Erez family. ” A classmate wrote: “‘There is nothing to do against such things …'” Things like that just happen … “” You have to be strong and move on … “That’s what I keep telling myself, telling everyone … But I do not want to be strong and I do not want to say things like that … I want you to call me and tell me how in the army I want you to come to me and go to the playground to play basketball There ‘s only one thing I don’ t want you to do … To me on that Friday … I do not want to stand here and say things like that … I have to, Stefan, I have to … Guy was up and down: ‘He was the best guy there was, a quiet guy, a good boy who did not touch cigarettes , Loved playing the guitar and would always come home from home He came and had enough to do everything: to go out and see the family and friends. “We came together to celebrate everyone’s release at the party, but no one knew what the party would be like and what would happen at the end. No, no one will know that yours tomorrow will not beOne did not know that it would be you. No one knew what would happen in the morning when everyone woke up. No one knew you were saying goodbye. And I wish I wake up, Guy, and it’ll all be a dream. But there’s nothing to do but remember you, the smile and the joy we took from you. We were together for a party, but no one knew that this would be your release party … “Guy was immortalized on the Yizkor website – the Israeli memorial site, where pages are dedicated to him including pictures of him, his life story, //www.izkor.net/Client.cfm?ClientId=106.

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