Frusterman, Yechiel

Frusterman, Yechiel

Son of Rivka and Yitzhak, was born on December 20, 1924 in Haifa. He stopped his high school studies in order to learn crafts and help his parents. At the same time he joined the Maccabee Association and at age 16 joined the Haganah. Yehiel participated in many activities during the struggle against the British. In December 1947, with the outbreak of the War of Independence, he was transferred to “Chish”, and was soon appointed commander of a squad. Yehiel was active in the defense of Haifa, was among the defenders of the Western Galilee, Hanita, Shavei Tzion, Megiddo and participated in battles for Mishmar Ha’emek and Ramat Yohanan, was devoted and loyal to his parents’ home and when his brother was about to serve in the same unit where he served, Warned that it would be better for him to serve in another unit in order to reduce the risk of both, thereby saving his brother. (22.4.1948), in the midst of the battle, was hit by a sniper’s bullet, and he called out to his friends: “Friends, I got a bullet … Continue! He was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Haifa, and after his death the family changed its name to Yehieli.

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