From Moshe, Moshe

From Moshe, Moshe

Son of Clara (Ora) and Chaim. Born on 10.6.1973 in Or Yehuda, the city where he grew up and grew up, Moshe began his studies at the “Ma’aleh” elementary school and continued at the Perkhoff High School in Electronics. Moshe was very fond of expanding his horizons and read many books in a variety of styles, and spent a lot of time studying quality films and listening to music he loved At the age of seventeen, Moshe was chosen to take part in a youth delegation that represented the Or Yehuda youth in the community Jewish Agency in Canada, Moshe fulfilled his duties faithfully and the trip to Canada enriched his world and brought him together with new people and culture, and when the time came to join the IDF, Moshe decided to continue his studies within the framework of the academic reserve. In October 1991, Moshe enlisted in the IDF, completed basic training and began his academic studies at Tel Aviv University for two years in economics and management, and Moshe’s high qualifications, which were expressed in high school, In January 1995, Moshe returned to serve in the Israel Defense Forces and was stationed at the Delek Center as an assistant budget officer. Moshe’s commanders describe him as a very talented and professional officer. After successfully passing the officer’s certification committee and promoted to the rank of lieutenant, Moshe moved to serve as a budget officer in another unit. In this unit, Moshe quickly joined in, felt satisfaction in the work he was doing and enjoyed the company that surrounded him. Moshe’s commanding officer: “Moshe was an honest, punctual officer, and his new role was taken very seriously, and his integration into the unit was quick and within a short time his presence was felt. Fill them in the best way possible. ” Moshe died in the course of his duties on 1 May 1997. He was buried in the military section of the Kiryat Shaul cemetery in Tel Aviv in memory of Moshe, Hebrew, written by his cousin A collection of issues of “Towards Shabbat,” a weekly distributed voluntarily at Bar-Ilan University, which deals with this week’s parsha, was dedicated to Moshe’s memory.

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