Friedmann, Mordechai (“Mordi”)

Friedmann, Mordechai (“Mordi”)

Son of Dov and Tzipora. Born on March 23, 1938 in Haifa, on the father’s side – a sixth generation in Israel, from a Hasidic family and a pioneer in the wine industry (“Friedman’s wineries”) and on the mother’s side – Yavneh “and the” Reali “school in Haifa, and later went to Pardes-Hanna to go to Pardes Hanna in a boarding school that was modest and humble, and the qualities he liked about everything. A daughter of Moshav Gan Hashomron, was drafted into the IDF in August 1957 and volunteered for the Paratroopers Brigade. As an outstanding trainee, he completed an officer’s course and was sent to an officers’ course until he finally reached the rank of lieutenant, but despite his dedication to the paratroopers, he decided to choose engineering studies, and with his wife’s help he would save his tuition at the Hebrew Technion in Haifa. Because he also had the burden of paying his debts as a paratrooper officer in the reserves and even working as a tractor engineer in Sodom, but nevertheless found time to devote his family to the assistance of every needy member. Was to acquire additional experience, and for this was working several He was devoted to his family, to his work and boundless to his people and to his homeland, and every time he came to him, (May 6, 1967), in a battle that took place on the Nablus road, he served as the deputy commander of the Paratroopers Brigade and was killed after a war of courage and security and placed a wife, daughter and son in the military cemetery on Har- The IDF Chief of Staff praised him for his courage and devotion to the cause – and that was how the action was described in the medal: “On June 6, 1967, in the battle for the liberation of Jerusalem, That the late deputy commander-company paratroop units. During the fighting his unit was stopped in front of a fortified position and the attempt to silence it ended in losses. Lt. Frydman Mordechai, of blessed memory, charged himself with the position in order to destroy it and in this position was injured and killed. ” He fought with his subordinates and was not only a commander but also a friend who was recognized and respected as a “rebel.” In the book “Marinas Gabro” of the paratroopers’ headquarters were devoted pages to his history and description of his last battle. The journal of the Israel Engineers Association (“the engineer”) was dedicated to his memory. An investigation in 2017 updated that the Chief of Staff’s citation was converted to a medal of valor.

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