Friedman, Ze’ev

Friedman, Ze’ev

Son of Moshe and Ella. He was born on February 20, 1955, in Kfar Sava. He studied at the Brenner Elementary School in Givatayim, and later at Ort Technicom, Givataim, in the direction of mechanics. He completed his high school studies in 1973, and until the time he enlisted in the IDF in 1975 he completed two years of study at the Technological College in Givatayim, specializing in mechanical engineering, and even received a practical engineer’s degree. – In the framework of the Technological College, he was a quiet and introverted child in his childhood, and was very hard to find a girlfriend in this period, he did not stand out in society, but he liked to paint for himself and build airplanes. In the course of time – in high school and in college – Wolf opened up to the society around him, his shyness diminished, and gradually he made contact with his surroundings, At the beginning of May 1975, Ze’ev was drafted into the IDF for compulsory military service, and after basic training he moved to serve as an aircraft mechanic in the Israel Air Force. He was a good soldier, devoted, disciplined, always willing to serve his homeland and willing to do beyond what was required of him. In the framework of the IDF, he wanted to undergo an officers’ course so that he could continue his studies at the Technion for the degree of ‘mechanical engineer.’ He was praised by his commanders in writing and orally when he reached first place in the squadron’s professional tests. In achieving this result, you serve as an example to your comrades, and you advance the whole squadron, which at that time reached the first place at the base, in the professional tests. “On March 23, 1977, Ze’ev fell in the line of duty And he was 22. He was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents, sister and two brothers. In a letter of condolence to the parents, the squadron commander said: “Ze’ev was a mechanic in the squadron, and he fulfilled his duties with dedication and responsibility … In his diligence and diligence he achieved impressive achievements in his work and his level and strove to advance to a high personal level. In his quiet, modest manner he was a model. Was a loyal friend and a devoted friend of his friends … “His family commemorated Ze’ev in the purchase of Shas Bavli for the Ohel Moshe synagogue in Givatayim.

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