Friedman, Shraga (Polly)

Friedman, Shraga (Polly)

Shraga (Polly), son of Sarah and Joseph Friedman, was born in March 1914 to religiously observant parents who owned a small farm in the village of Seka in eastern Slovakia and received a Jewish and general education. Shraga came to Israel as a tourist on November 2, 1933, and did not return. Shraga participated in paving many roads in the city and during the Second World War he also constructed military buildings in the Negev and Lebanon. In all of his jobs he was well-liked and quickly fixed anything that needed repair. He married Hadassah and the couple had a daughter. On May 25, 1948, after the declaration of the establishment of the State, Shraga was drafted. He participated in almost all the battles of the Givati ​​Brigade in the south and in the Negev as a machine gunner and a radio operator. In difficult situations Shraga volunteered to help the paramedics, took dozens of wounded from the line of fire and saved their lives. He also became known as a good friend in the army, helping the weak, encouraging and inspiring, bringing a spirit of cheerfulness and confidence in those around him. Shraga fell during Operation “Yoav” in the Negev, in the battle to conquer Hulikat, on the 16th of Tishrei 5709, October 19, 1948. He was laid to rest at the Varburg military cemetery.

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