Friedman, Shmuel

Friedman, Shmuel

Son of Yehuda Alperin. He was born in Lithuania in 1892 and immigrated to Israel at the age of seventeen and settled in Jerusalem, where he continued his studies at the Torat Chaim yeshiva and lived with his uncle. He began to read the press on behalf of the Labor movement, changed his way of life and became a secular Jew, and moved to the settlements of Judea, as a guard in the vineyards and fields far from the settlement, to prevent the theft of the Arabs of the area. On 18 Tamuz, August 22, 1913, in Rishon Lezion a fight broke out and Shmuel rushed to the guards’ help from his distant post, but was attacked by a group of Arab murderers by the Zarguna border near Rechovot and killed with a knife. After the fall he was buried in the cemetery in Rechovot and later moved to the Kfar Giladi cemetery. His name was immortalized in “Guardian” “Book of the Second Aliyah” and in “Rechovot”.

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